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Fetch block transactions



This endpoint allows you to fetch a transaction at a certain block height. It is the implementation of the /block endpoint of the Rosetta API standard.

Note that in the case of the ICP ledger a block always contains exactly one transaction. The hash of the block as well as the index of the block is guaranteed to be unique while the hash of the transaction is not.


  • Your Rosetta instance is up and running under the address

Make sure to use the correct NetworkIdentifier as described in this section. For this example the following arbitrary BlockIdentifier and TransactionIdentifier are used:

"block_identifier": {
"index": 9890652,
"hash": "e189f729b207dafc2583305cf313671a84bb1437ee44435e12eaf3dcfbcb8fcf"
"transaction_identifier": {
"hash": "93a19bfa37db0200cec77281cd8a0602a4375a7367338e7c6973f93a42e6eb5e"


An example request would resemble the following:

curl --location ''  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{
"network_identifier": {
"blockchain":"Internet Computer",
"block_identifier": {
"index": 9840566,
"hash": "e189f729b207dafc2583305cf313671a84bb1437ee44435e12eaf3dcfbcb8fcf"
"transaction_identifier": {
"hash": "93a19bfa37db0200cec77281cd8a0602a4375a7367338e7c6973f93a42e6eb5e"

The response is similar to that of the block endpoint as there is only one transaction withing a block.

"transaction": {
"transaction_identifier": {
"hash": "93a19bfa37db0200cec77281cd8a0602a4375a7367338e7c6973f93a42e6eb5e"
"operations": [
"operation_identifier": {
"index": 0
"type": "TRANSACTION",
"status": "COMPLETED",
"account": {
"address": "d360ba83413713928ec6a61438f7c611c6c81a09b36a99462f654473f9a1a671"
"amount": {
"value": "-830010000",
"currency": {
"symbol": "ICP",
"decimals": 8
"operation_identifier": {
"index": 1
"type": "TRANSACTION",
"status": "COMPLETED",
"account": {
"address": "42727096b88d2ef0527c77e16c4b11b8685e623bfdd0b035b3680f36078cca06"
"amount": {
"value": "830010000",
"currency": {
"symbol": "ICP",
"decimals": 8
"operation_identifier": {
"index": 2
"type": "FEE",
"status": "COMPLETED",
"account": {
"address": "d360ba83413713928ec6a61438f7c611c6c81a09b36a99462f654473f9a1a671"
"amount": {
"value": "-10000",
"currency": {
"symbol": "ICP",
"decimals": 8
"metadata": {
"block_height": 9840566,
"memo": 0,
"timestamp": 1705420805314666462